Tag Archives: Family

Life in Cotterville

Welcome to the online home of Cotterville.

You may be asking yourself, what is Cotterville? Honestly, I’m not quite sure where the name came from. It was probably something said by my husband, Chris, that just stuck. Cotterville is what we call our home. Wherever we are living at the time. We have a website with the same name and all our email addresses near the Cotterville name as well. It has become our brand, if you will.

I wanted to introduce myself and my family and explain my hopes and dreams for this blog.

I am Carrie, wife to my high school sweetheart, Chris, and mom to three beautiful boys. Jordan is a college freshman with a love for all things music. He is studying a double major in music education and music composition. Isaac is in fifth grade and loves showing his skills in karate and baseball to anyone who will watch. He is a friend to anyone he meets. Eli is our toddler full of life and energy. He has such a big personality already and keeps the entire family on our toes. Having kids spanning from 18 years to 18 months makes for an interesting life!

Through this blog I hope to share our families daily journey. Our lives are busy, but we wouldn’t trade a second of the craziness.

In addition, I was recently diagnosed with a form of breast cancer known as Invasive Ductal Carcinoma or IDC. This blog will serve as a place to update everyone on how we’re doing as a family and me specifically as I fight to beat this disease.

It will be real. We will share the good days and the bad. I believe that through this journey my Lord and Savior will be glorified and He will use me and this journey to further his Kingdom.

Buckle up and join us as we go through the daily adventures of Life in Cotterville.

– Carrie