Monthly Archives: December 2020

Things are Improving….

I wanted to jump on real quick and provide an update. The last few days were much the same, but tonight I feel things are on the uphill.

I am still having fatigue and some other issues, but those will continue to improve over the next few days. I have taken two days’ worth of the antibiotic and will continue the full seven-day course. Thank you to all the people who have reached out checking on me!

I also have an update on the next phase of treatment. I was scheduled to begin the Taxol portion of chemo next Tuesday, the 15th. The doctor gave the option of then skipping the week of Christmas and finishing the last 11 cycles the week following. I spoke with the nurse who then spoke with Dr. K and we will be putting the first cycle off until after Christmas. I am a bit torn on how I feel. I want to get this over with as soon as possible, but my body so much needs the rest. I am going to take the extra two weeks to build strength and prepare for the next phase!

Mastectomy Surgery – DONE

AC Chemo (Red Devil) – DONE

Taxol chemo and radiation are all I have left. It’s hard to believe that this journey only started four months ago…it feels like we’ve been battling for years…If it’s God’s will, it’s all uphill from here!

Lowest Numbers So Far

I went in this morning for my weekly lab work. I had a feeling my blood counts would be low because of the way I feel.

The last two or three days I have been very fatigued. My heart has been racing (not too abnormal for me) with a resting heart rate not going below about 110. I have had issues in the past but usually the heart races a while and calms down, not this week. I have also had more nausea and constipation than previous courses of chemo. I just all around don’t feel well.

The nurse called me around lunch and said that my white blood count was 0.7. Normal is between 4.5 and 11. I told the nurse that is the lowest it has every been. She asked how I was feeling and I explained my symptoms. A few weeks ago they had called in an antibiotic as a have around in case you need it type thing. The nurse said she would speak to Dr. K and determine if I needed to start the meds. A few hours later she called back and said to start the medicine and Dr. K wants to recheck my counts on Friday.

All I can say is that it has been and continues to be a hard week. I will make it through and not have to take that red Devil chemo ever again! So many have reached out this week to check on all of us and that is greatly appreciated.

I want to end today wishing my second-born a happy 11th birthday. Isaac, you are such a cool kid with such a huge heart. It is an honor to be your mom. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish this year and in the years to come!!!

Today is a Struggle

I had my fourth and final AC chemo Tuesday afternoon. For the most part, things went well for the first two days. In the first three treatments, I came home and slept for days….this time that did not happen. I was able to sit among my family and visit as well as have dinner with them the last three nights, but today has been a struggle.

With the AC chemo, your immune system takes a huge hit. Your body can’t produce the needed white blood cells to fight normal infections. For this reason, a shot is given 24 hours after the chemo infusion to promote bone marrow to produce white blood cells. The auto-injector is put on and exactly 27 hours after being initiated it injects the needed medication. I believe this injection is what makes me feel so horrible. Yes, the chemo is bad, but this medication is no joke. I know it is absolutely neccessary. Without it my white blood counts would be nonexistent and I would be in the hospital under strict isolation to avoid any germs whatsoever, but I sure wish it didn’t make me feel like I had been hit by a truck.

Becuase it is promoting bone marrow to function there is joint and bone pain. I take a steroid and clariten a few days prior through a few days after the injection to supress those side effects. For the most part it works. I am weak, but not in bone or joint pain. My main complaint is that it also affects my lymphatic system. The lympth nodes in my neck get very sore and swollen. It hurts to even hold my head up at times. Swallowing is difficult and for that reason I don’t have much of an appetite.

Tonight after eating dinner I had a meltdown. I hate feeling so yucky. I don’t like crying in front of my kiddos so I waited until they were all out of the room and looked at Chris and simply said, “I’m not okay.” He said, “I know, but your full of toxic right now, it will get better in a day or so.” I know he’s right, but it doesn’t make this moment easier.

We did talk and celebrate at dinner the fact that this is hopefully the last time I will ever have to go through this feeling. That this is the low of the valley and we are headed up the hill now. I got a bit emotional and so did Isaac, but it is okay for all of us to cry if that’s what we need to do.

I just put Eli to bed and I am heading to bed myself. Sleep has been hard (thanks to all the steroids in me) but my new favorite Pluto channel, The Price is Right, will keep me company until sleep finds me.