Tag Archives: hair

In the Final Month!

When I was diagnosed in August the end of treatment seemed so far away. It felt like it would never arrive. Surprisingly, the past seven months have gone quick. I believe the countless appointments kept our schedule busy and I slept a majority of the time on chemo. It probably felt faster for me than those around me caring for me.

May is the month my active treatment finally comes to an end! On Friday I completed radiation 12 of 28. We are almost halfway done. As of now there are no side effects and for that I am grateful!

The effects are chemo are starting to subside. I am still battling neuropathy which has actually worsened over the last two weeks. I pray we are in that, it will get worse before it gets better, stage. Praying it starts to subside as it has become more uncomfortable. My taste has pretty much returned. Yay! My hair is growing (on most spots). My energy level is good and I feel great. God is so good!

I know it’s been a while since I updated so I wanted to share my life over the last few weeks. My days are busy working two part-time jobs, daily radiation appointments, karate and baseball with Isaac, and Eli just being Eli. There are not enough hours in the day, but life is wonderful and I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything.

Below are a few pictures of how it’s all been going.

Eli doing his silly thing
Isaac doing his baseball thing!
Still no hair on the right side of my head! So weird!
Coming in good on the sides and back!

A Wonderfully “Bad” Hair Day!

Hello from Alaska, I mean, Texas! It is cold here. And I am not talking cold as in hovering around freezing, wear a sweater, cold. I am talking about the coldest temps Texas has seen in a century or more. This morning we hit zero! Texans are not used to this. We have snow on our coastal beaches! Sadly, our energy infrastructure was not prepared either and many millions of my fellow Texans are without power and have been for days…in this frigid cold it is so dangerous and my prayer is that electricity can be restored and pipes will thaw without bursting!

Cotterville, so far, has weathered the first round of snow well. We picked up about three and a half inches of pure powder snow on Sunday night into Monday. The boys have gotten out for short spurts to play. We have not lost power or water and for that we are grateful! So many have…

I finished AC chemo two and a half months ago (wow! Doesn’t feel like it has been that long ago) I was told that once AC chemo was done my hair would begin to grow back. Within t he last few weeks we have finally seen something happening!

Today, I took my beanie off and Chris said, your hair is sticking straight up! So, of course, I grabbed my phone to use it as mu mirror and to snap a few pics.

We still can’t tell color or if it will be curly, but I’m holding out for light curls. Regardless, It is a beautifully “bad” hair day!!!

Stay warm over the next few days! Praying I can still have my infusion on Thursday! Five more Taxol to go!