Tag Archives: steroids

Taxol 2/12

I am so bad at updating this blog in a timely manner. I don’t have a reason. I think to myself many times, I should write a post and then never do!

Last Thursday I received Taxol treatment 2 o 12. Thankfully, I can tell you that this week went much better! To start, I did not sleep through the treatment as I had done the previous time. I was calm and relaxed but was awake the entire time. It goes relatively fast and before I knew it they were coming over to unhook me. I did go home and sleep off the Benadryl. I sleep a solid three hours and got up feeling well.

Nighttime came and I was running off steroids. I did not sleep a wink Thursday night. Friday I was very emotional mainly due to the extreme exhaustion. I didn’t want to sleep all day and get my days and nights mixed up again. I tried staying busy and napped when Eli did. Thankfully, I was able to sleep great Friday night and have slept fine the rest of the week.

The bone pain typically sets a few days post-chemo. Mine seems to be the worst from day two through four. Since I received treatment on Thursday, Friday evening through Sunday or Monday is when I struggle the most with pain. I had tried to stay ahead of the pain this time by taking my Claritin daily as well as ibuprofen starting at the time of the infusion. I still had pain, but nothing like the week previous. For that I am grateful.

The only other real symptoms I have are the fatigue that I was warned of. It takes very little to wear me out. I have been able to cook dinner a few times and got caught up on the laundry this week, but those tasks are slow processes and I have to rest often. I am still struggling with being out of breath at the slightest bit of activity. Since I know this is coming, I am prepared and don’t overdo it.

All-in-all, week two went well. Chris might tell a different story, but I feel we are all handling this round of treatment well. The entire family has been battling a cold which doesn’t help, but we are thankful it’s just a cold and tested negative for COVID and strep (Isaac was the lucky one to get sick first and endure the testing).

Tomorrow morning, around 9:00, I will receive treatment number three. Two down, 10 to go!