Category Archives: IDC Journey

18 Down, 10 To Go!!

I just got home from radiation treatment number 18! So far, treatment has been easy! I go in for my 8:30 appointment every morning and am home by 9. Every Monday I see my radiation oncologist. These visits literally last a minute, maybe two.

Today was no different. I received treatment and went to an radar room to see the doctor. She walks in and we exchange pleasantries. She looks at the area being treated, states it looks perfect, asks if I have any questions, and we’re done.

I joked and said I wish all my visits were that quick. Could she have a discussion with Dr. K, my medical oncologist, about the length of her appointments? As were were walking out we both got a good chuckle.

I will leave you today with a few pictures. This past weekend, my baby turned 19 and for the first time in years I got to celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom. We had a fabulous weekend!

I am one blessed Momma!
How can he be 19?!?
Enjoying Isaac’s baseball games with Mom and Dad!

In the Final Month!

When I was diagnosed in August the end of treatment seemed so far away. It felt like it would never arrive. Surprisingly, the past seven months have gone quick. I believe the countless appointments kept our schedule busy and I slept a majority of the time on chemo. It probably felt faster for me than those around me caring for me.

May is the month my active treatment finally comes to an end! On Friday I completed radiation 12 of 28. We are almost halfway done. As of now there are no side effects and for that I am grateful!

The effects are chemo are starting to subside. I am still battling neuropathy which has actually worsened over the last two weeks. I pray we are in that, it will get worse before it gets better, stage. Praying it starts to subside as it has become more uncomfortable. My taste has pretty much returned. Yay! My hair is growing (on most spots). My energy level is good and I feel great. God is so good!

I know it’s been a while since I updated so I wanted to share my life over the last few weeks. My days are busy working two part-time jobs, daily radiation appointments, karate and baseball with Isaac, and Eli just being Eli. There are not enough hours in the day, but life is wonderful and I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything.

Below are a few pictures of how it’s all been going.

Eli doing his silly thing
Isaac doing his baseball thing!
Still no hair on the right side of my head! So weird!
Coming in good on the sides and back!

First Radiation Done!

It has been a while since I have updated you all. Life has been very busy, but in a good way! I am working two part-time jobs. One at our church as a children’s ministry assistant. I LOVE IT!! the other job is back with the company that gave me a chance 10 years ago as a newbie transcriptionist. I am managing several accounts for them and I also love it! In addition to work we have karate and baseball for Isaac.

Today, I had my first of 28 radiation treatments. It was very easy. The last few weeks have been preparing for today. I went in last week to have a CT done. The doctor used that to make a radiation plan. At that appointment they also gave me three tattoos. These small dots are used to line me up on the machine. They are permanent, but thankfully are only the size of a freckle and hardly noticeable.

On Monday I went in for my dry run. This is where they map everything out and prepare to make a template for my actual treatment. This appointment was long. It took about 45 minutes and I was sore afterwards just from laying flat on my back with my arms above my head. I left with a lot of fun colors drawn on my skin. It goes from my sternum to under my arm. They will be treating my chest wall and lymphatic system as those are the two most common places for occurrence.

I have no idea what all those makes mean, but they do and that’s all that matters!

Today, my appointment was scheduled for 8:30 and I was back out in the car by 8:50. The radiation machine is pretty cool. The table rotates you into the perfect position. They check to make sure everything is lined up and then zap you. I was zapped five times in different places. Each one lasted maybe five seconds. I felt nothing. The machine would make a noise and a light in the wall would flash and that’s the only way I knew the radiation was being done.

One down, 27 to go. I will go Monday through Friday. If I’ve done my math correct, my last treatment will be May 24!